Monday, May 3, 2010


I am just not sure where the time has gone...... As my 14 year old was out last night , again(!!), Joe and I were cleaning and organizing and we looked at our photo albums. My little peanut, my Bug, my miracle is 14 years old and no longer needs his Mom for everything.
What a sad realization. I know this is a good thing , but man I miss my guy-my attached at the hip,smiling, funny and confident little man.
I cannot believe how quickly they grow!
He's turned into quite the young man, caring and kind yet capable of anger when necessary. (and sometimes when not!)
His Mom embarrasses him sometimes(okay a lot!) that is new territory for me!! I have always been a goof , dorky and a cuddler. I guess when your 14 those things are a bit embarrassing, when he was 4 he thought I was the greatest!!!!
New territory for me learning how not to be a geek in front of his friends!!!
Well enough lamenting , I will revel in the fact that I did a good job and raised a fine young man..... I wish the scanner was working so I could post that 4 year old!!!

1 comment:

  1. You should be proud. You have raised a wonderful young man. And while he may be embrassed by your antics he loves you and so do his friends and their parents as well. Keep up the good work. And don't blink, because he will be graduating from college before you know it.
