Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Today brings just a tad of disappointment. My girlfriend and our kids were supposed to get together but she has Pneumonia- Tis the Season!!!
I was looking forward to catching up with her since we haven't been able to coordinate our schedules in almost 6 months. :( Oh well maybe on her next vacation we can get together!
We are having another semi-lazy day today lots of clean up and prep work!
The turkey is thawing and I am getting excited about cooking. Thanksgiving is a great Holiday all about Food & Family! I have so much to be thankful for and enjoy spending my day with my biggest blessings!
I was hoping to have the house fully cleaned by today but yesterday's laziness has set me back ;) Ahh but what a gloriously lazy day it was!
ENjoy your day everyone I am off to enjoy mine!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Well its the Monday before Thanksgiving and I have nothing planned for the day!!!! Tomorrow will get busier as I get my cooking and baking started, but for today I am enjoying the laziness of the day.
We had a busy yet productive weekend this weekend. My husband finished the shed he has been working on and we moved all his tools out of my basement/schoolroom and got a bunch of stuff organized.
I had the kids go thru their coats and see what fit and what didn't- taking a bin to the church today!
We consolidated boxes of keepsakes and holiday decorations-whew what a project!
It was a good thing accomplished now I need to clean the basement of the straggler items and vacuum and dust. Perhaps I will enlist the kids!
The 4 year old is throwing one heck of a tempter tantrum right now so thats my cue to go!
Happy Thanksgiving week!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Well this was the weekend of Christmas shopping. We got a great start and had a blast doing it! I think the kids will be pleased this year,even though Santa has to curb his spending we have still managed to come up with some great ideas and get useful but fun gifts. We will shop again, trust me I can't stay out of the stores at Christmas, I know the season is about Christ but I love the holiday hustle and bustle!
I can't reveal the gifts just yet - I am afraid the kids will peek at my blog!
Joe and I really enjoyed some time to ourselves, its great to get out together.
The kids also benefit from this time it creates a stronger bond between them when they all play together. When we left them they were playing with Play-Doh and when we got back they were playing some variation of chase! I love to see my 14 year old, 11 year old and 4 year old all playing together!
Amazing how quickly the older two can get into "little kid mode" again!

On Friday night our kids were in a production of the Fisherman and His Wife put on by the Children's Stage Adventure. The kids practiced for only 16 hours and put on a fantastic show! I was amazed at how quickly they picked it up and learned their lines, 50 kids ranging from age 4 - 14 and only a few lines needed to be fed to them! We were so proud of all the kids!

I am off to bed but rest assured details from that Chicago vacation will come!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Returning from Vacation

So we just returned from yet another vacation! This time we went to Poplar grove to celebrate my sisters birthday!
We had a wonderful time, its amazing how much fun we all have together. We all live completely different lives and view things differently but still enjoy each others company immensely!
My kids are completely at home and sometimes prefer to be there!!! LOL that's because there is always something other than schoolwork to do!
Thank you Leng family we had a blast!
I will write more about this vacation soon but for now I didn't want to have an empty blog page!!!! That would look silly!
Off to bed- still recuperating from our long flight home!