Sunday, March 28, 2010

I Guess I Called It Right!!!

Well in my last post I talked about the crazy March we had on deck and boy oh boy did it live up to that!
Not only did we have all those celebrations but I lost my computer due to a charger port issue, hopefully it will be fixed soon. It stinks to share a computer with Joe since he needs it for college ALL THE TIME!!!

I am way behind in my photos of the week because I lost my computer and my camera won't load to Joe's. I will upload a bunch of them when I get my computer back.

The kids have been enjoying their March immensely! When skiing ended they were bummed but now we are skating for the next few Mondays so they are pleased with that.

Brynn is one of the little thieves in Oliver and Tristan will be working backstage on props. Its been a blast for Brynn - she loves drama!!! (LOL)

Tristan and Joe were disappointed with the syrup making this year, it got too warm too fast - which makes the sap not run :( There's always next year, right?

It is Holy Week here- a reverent , pensive time. We will have a busy week of Church- but I love Easter. The sacrifices made for us by Jesus always astound me and bring me to tears.
I love watching my children serve the Church in each of their capacities and when Logan is able to say the "Our Father" and "Hail Mary" on her own at just 4 years old I know their faith is strong!

We have ended Co-op for the year and while it lightens my load for school I am always sad that I will not see my lovely friends til next year. Yes I will see some at Church and various other home school events but it is not the same! By the mid-July I will be ready to start again and will have to practice my patience!

I am off to bed Its been a busy weekend and I realize my post is probably disjointed and long so if your still reading Thank you and goodnight!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Crazy Dayz!

So this month has started out crazy - March sure is coming in like a lion here!
We are getting all the sugaring stuff prepped and ready and will boil this Tuesday. The Sap finally broke loose yesterday!
We celebrated Brynn's 12th birthday and our 17th Anniversary on the 4th.
Next up this month we have Joe's Birthday and an unexpected wedding , I guess his brother decided to get married a little earlier than planned! Thanks for the 2 week notice!
I had planned on taking my husband away for the weekend but I guess we'll go to a wedding instead!
I have photo's to choose from for Pic of the Week- I just have to upload them LOL
The kids are off to play practice in a few then it will be very quiet around here!
I am very interested to see which parts they get , the are doing Oliver! it should be a lot of fun!
Okay I think I am rambling a bit so its time to post this and fade back to my chores!!!