Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day Musings

What a bittersweet day.
1 year ago today a staple of our community, a mother , a friend, a true light in this world was extinguished -way too soon.
This day of celebration has become a day of remembrance as well.
I started my morning with around 90 other Mothers, Fathers and children of all ages walking in a brisk wind with our Pink and Green balloons held high. Through tears and warm memories we celebrated Staceys short life.
Though I wish she were here, the walk was an amazing way to start my Mothers Day. It caused immense reflection and pause and a truer understanding of the love that shines on this day.
I thank God for my Mother and my children and of course my wonderful husband. I also thank God for the wonderful Mothers I know...
Enjoy this day, hug your children tight and do not take for granted that every day is a gift.
Happy Mothers Day!
to quote my new favorite book "Philippians 4:13 .... for Pete's Sake!!" (Jan Karon , At Home in Mitford)

R.I.P Stacey, we will not forget and will never stop demanding answers....

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder. Each day is truly a special gift not to be taken for granted. Sorry for your loss. Words I knkow are never right or enough so I'll just say Happy Mother's Day to one teriffic mama.
