Thursday, May 20, 2010


Oh how I wish I had a picture!
Joe and I stepped out on the porch tonight and heard a noise, we turned and saw a trash bag and some rustling noises. I ran to get the flashlight and Lo and behold standing there was our Bear! I got the camera but in my nervousness and excitement I couldn't get it on the nighttime setting fast enough. He stood there staring at us and then slowly lumbered away, looking back at his meal which he had to leave behind.
We left the bag- neither one of us wanted to get off the porch and clean it up!!!
I am actually hoping for another opportunity to photograph this beast! My camera is set on the nighttime setting, by the backdoor witht he flashlight.
Wow what an amazing sight. Its nerve wracking though, he was not one bit afraid of us!
We knew that he may possibly live in the caves toward the back of our property but the track he took into the woods confirmed this. No nature walks for us!!! Gotta keep the kids out of the woods!!!
Lets hope I can get a shot of him if he comes back!

Friday, May 14, 2010

The BLT's have got the allergies :(
My husband actually called out sick today and took amny naps during the day , poor guy!
I worked my second shift at Crepes today, it is so much fun and I ran into an old friend of ours! It was so nice to see Derek and know that I will be seeing more of him. We had so much fun with them when we lived here before!
T and B joined some feloow homeschoolers at a dance tonight. They had an OK time. Stinks when you have an idea how things will go in your mind then they don't. Life Lessons!!!!
L and I did flashcards and played "roll it" with her new green ball. She is such a smarty pants!!
I came home from work to a clean kitchen thanks to my son!! I love when they do things like that!!
B spent her day cleaning her disaster of a bedroom- closet and under the bed too!!
My DH went through a bunch of junk that was in the dining room and went to the dump! Nice that he felt well enough to do those things I never seem to get to!
I am enjoying the feeling of earning money again! I would not want to do it full time, I miss my kids and my freedom, but this part time summer job is perfect!!!
Tomorrow we are off to celebrate my BF's little sisters graduation- I cannot wait! So proud of Manda Panda and I get to see my "sisters"!
Off to bed I am a bit sleepy tonight!!! Enjoy your weekend everyone!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day Musings

What a bittersweet day.
1 year ago today a staple of our community, a mother , a friend, a true light in this world was extinguished -way too soon.
This day of celebration has become a day of remembrance as well.
I started my morning with around 90 other Mothers, Fathers and children of all ages walking in a brisk wind with our Pink and Green balloons held high. Through tears and warm memories we celebrated Staceys short life.
Though I wish she were here, the walk was an amazing way to start my Mothers Day. It caused immense reflection and pause and a truer understanding of the love that shines on this day.
I thank God for my Mother and my children and of course my wonderful husband. I also thank God for the wonderful Mothers I know...
Enjoy this day, hug your children tight and do not take for granted that every day is a gift.
Happy Mothers Day!
to quote my new favorite book "Philippians 4:13 .... for Pete's Sake!!" (Jan Karon , At Home in Mitford)

R.I.P Stacey, we will not forget and will never stop demanding answers....

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I am full of love tonight. I have amazing family and friends around me.
My children never cease to amaze me and I am so completely grateful for them.

This morning I woke up and went to fed the cat, I took a moment to take in the quiet (the kids were still sleeping) fresh air and the birds. Well that lastest all of 2 seconds.... I saw a trail of garbage bags headed toward the woods. Apparently the noise in the woods last night was NOT a racoon.
Mr. Bear broke into our trash bin and made off with the goods, not before pooping in the yard!!!! I guess that answers the age old question- he does not poop in the woods he poops in YARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!
The neighbor came and looked at the paw prints and stuff and said it is probably a 200-300 lb bear!!! YIKES- no more nature walks for us!!!!

Logan had Sporty Shorties this morning- what a blast!!! She played Red Light Green Light, Duck Duck Goose, Hopscotch, soccer and Hippity Hoppity! She is looking forward to spending an evening with her BFF Boo tomorrow. I love that she gets so excited about her friends!

Tristan did a whole lot of nothing today!!!! I think he may have needed a down day , he has been quite busy lately. He helped me clean up and get dinner ready though, gotta love him for that!!!

Brynn spent some time doing schoolwork and then went to her friends to work sheep. Man does she love animals, I am glad she has such a passion!!
I need to get some curricula to foster that!

I myself did the bare minimum today, I have had a long few weeks and its not getting lighter by the looks of things!! I don't really mind being busy keeps me going!!!

Tomorrow we are off to a friends for dinner and to drop Brynn off she is going to a bog with another homeschool family. I have to remember to get her Grampa's Binoculars and a notebook.

What an amazing life we lead!! I couldn't ask for more!!

Monday, May 3, 2010


I am just not sure where the time has gone...... As my 14 year old was out last night , again(!!), Joe and I were cleaning and organizing and we looked at our photo albums. My little peanut, my Bug, my miracle is 14 years old and no longer needs his Mom for everything.
What a sad realization. I know this is a good thing , but man I miss my guy-my attached at the hip,smiling, funny and confident little man.
I cannot believe how quickly they grow!
He's turned into quite the young man, caring and kind yet capable of anger when necessary. (and sometimes when not!)
His Mom embarrasses him sometimes(okay a lot!) that is new territory for me!! I have always been a goof , dorky and a cuddler. I guess when your 14 those things are a bit embarrassing, when he was 4 he thought I was the greatest!!!!
New territory for me learning how not to be a geek in front of his friends!!!
Well enough lamenting , I will revel in the fact that I did a good job and raised a fine young man..... I wish the scanner was working so I could post that 4 year old!!!